I used to yell at my lover for not being attentive to my sexual yens. I’d ...
Health & Wellness
Articles about our health and wellbeing, mind, emotions, keeping fit, your hearing, eyesight and dental needs, natural remedies and keeping vital.
Online Dating: How To Outflank 90% of Your Competition
You've probably read it a 100 times. "The battle is either won or lost before it begins."
Eugene Moreau – Beware of the Dream Busters (Part I)
There's tremendous power in your dreams and in your imagination and in your creativity. Everybody needs a dream for life. It is psychologically healthy.
Eugene Moreau – Moving Beyond Sadness & Regret (Part One)
Several months ago we watched a movie that had an interesting and memorable effect on us as a family. As a result of this movie we experienced a sense of sadness that lasted for several days. Let me tell you about it.
Eugene Moreau – Are You a Thermometre or a Thermostat?
Are you the Influencer or the Influenced?
Ron Tustin – Making Goals Work For You
"It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves." Sir Edmund Hillary.
Taking Care of Dentures
Caring for your denture on a daily basis can heighten your sense of well being, and ...
Being Healthy – Blue Dot Health
There's an analogy that's been used for ages in teaching institutions all over the world, called ...
Celebrating My Life After a Heart Attack
Today is my anniversary. Not my wedding anniversary, but the anniversary of my first, and last, ...
The Most Important Focus – 40s to 60s
As we get older, the need and importance of exercise changes. You need to know exactly ...