Not many of us understand the role of an Enduring Power of Attorney when we’re no longer capable of managing our affairs.
Wills, Trusts & Asset Protection
De Facto Relationship or Just Good Friends?
Many seniors enter into relationships late in life. The thought a legal relationship may arise often never enters their minds.
The Final Appointment
In this article we look at what is involved in being the executor of a will and at the factors to consider when appointing your own executor.
The Power that Endures
Powers of attorney (POAs) have been around in our English based legal system from long before the Crusades in the twelfth century. They are still widely used today. Learn about a special type of POA named the Enduring Power.
Where There’s a Will – There’s a Challenge!
A recent legal article identified at least fourteen different pieces of legislation that empowered a court to interfere in the carrying out of the intentions expressed in a will. However, the three most common grounds for challenging a will are.
The Legal Rights of Grandparents
Sometimes children end up living with their grandparents on an informal basis. This can creates problems when they suddenly find they cannot access a child’s medical or educational records.
Squeezing Lemons: Your Consumer Rights
There has never before been a time in history when so much statutory protection has been available to the consumer. The trick is to know your basic rights and not be afraid to advocate them.
The Pitfalls of the Homemade Will
Some years ago an elderly client died. She was a dear old soul but had an almost pathological dislike of spending money, so we will call her Mrs Scrooge. Shortly after her death her family came into the office and with a flourish produced several pages o
Seven Tips for a Good Will
There was a time when most people went to their solicitor and asked for a 'standard' sort of will. That simple will has become quite rare in these much more complicated times. However, there are some universal 'truths' that still apply to all wills.
The Highs and Lows of Property EPA-ing (from one who knows!)
Appointing an Enduring Power of Attorney for property (EPA-P) is arguably one of the most important ...