A hip replacement is an operation you’ve likely been longing for, but now the date is set how will you manage upon returning home from hospital?
Conditions related to 50+ health wellbeing.
Bone Health – the ‘Silent Disease’
Osteoporosis is a serious and often undiagnosed bone health issue, often referred to as a ‘silent disease’ because it isn’t detected until a health crisis occurs.
9 Positive Responses to Manage a Difficult Diagnosis
When receiving unwanted health news, what you do and say and who you turn to, can make all the difference to restoring your confidence and navigating the journey ahead.
Facing a Health Crisis? Here’s how to stay informed!
A health issue can take any of us by surprise, and when it does, knowing who to turn to for sound information can help.
Classic Symptoms of Arthritis
Education is a key ingredient in helping you determine if you indeed have arthritis or simply arthritis symptoms. Here are six ofthe most common arthritis symptoms.
Getting Comfortable with Discomfort
Explore how discomfort from anxiety often leads to avoidance behaviours and exacerbates the issue.
Shoulder Injuries: How to avoid an epidemic!
Injuries to the shoulder rotator cuff tendons are becoming more and more common these days. It seems as though half my patients have rotator cuff problems!
Mitochondria: Ground Zero for Metabolic Health
Mitochondria are the tiny bean-shaped cellular organs that produce most of the body’s energy. Inside mitochondria is where glucose and fat are burned
Why does Alzheimer’s Affect People Differently?
The human brain is capable of generating new connections and neurons throughout life, and engaging in brain-stimulating experiences has been shown to positively alter brain structure.
King’s Birthday Weekend – the prompt we all need!
This King’s Birthday Weekend, it behoves us all to do our own bit in the fight against cancer, and to assist those who suffer from it.