Patrick Holford is deadly serious when he says, "Most of us are digging our own graves with our knives and forks."
Conditions related to 50+ health wellbeing.
Kidney Cancer
Kidney cancer affects men about twice as often as women. Most people who contract this disease ...
Haemorrhoids (& Haemorrhids) – what are they?
Hemorrhoidal cushions are blood-rich cushions of tissue within the anal canal that are present in every ...
Inexpensive and Natural Eye Care Tips
There are quite a number of ways you can treat sore eyes without having to resort to expensive creams and lotions.
Home Remedies for Ankle Swelling
It may affect both legs and may include the calves or even the thighs. But, most ...
Cholesterol Levels
A cholesterol test is a blood test that measures your total blood cholesterol level and its components. Together, the results are known as your blood lipid profile. Lipids are just another name for the fatty substances in the body and bloodstream.
Treatment for Burns
Learn about first, second, and third degree burns.
What’s The First Step In Treating Kidney Stones?
When treating kidney stones, there are many home remedies and countless medical protocols to choose from. ...
Seven Tips To Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease
Despite the absence of a cure for Alzheimer's, there are some proven ways to help your brain stay young and lessen your chances of developing this disease.
Help Treat Osteoporosis With Water Aerobics
Water aerobics is an ideal exercise routine for osteoporosis. A qualified water aerobics instructor guides participants ...