Saving money doesn’t have to mean giving up the little luxuries that make life enjoyable. With a bit of creativity and planning, you can stretch your dollars further.
Articles covering Travel Insurance, Life Insurance, Funeral Insurance, Savings, Investment, Superannuation, Life after work. Wills, asset protection and Trusts.
One-Size-Fits-All Insurance?
Most people have had both positive and negative experiences with insurance. If you’ve never made a claim, you’re the exception. The reason is simple: there’s no one-size-fits-all insurance policy. We all have different insurance needs to suit out lifestyles.
The Insurance Implications of Working From Home
Whatever way someone works, there can be different insurance implications for people choosing to work from home.
Minimising the Risk of Underinsurance
An increasing number of Kiwis, especially those who own businesses, are discovering they don’t always have the cover they need in the worst possible circumstances.
How to Downsize your Home Successfully
More and more Kiwis are moving into smaller homes. But how do you cope when you have less space than you are used to?
Keep Your Boat Ship-Shape This Summer
Whether you’re an experienced skipper or preparing for your first summer on the water, a little preparation now can help you enjoy smooth sailing all season long.
Protecting Your Kids’ Belongings Across Households
What happens to your children's possessions if they split their time between different households?
Leave Bad Decisions in the Past
If you are grappling with overwhelming regrets about a bad decision you have made, just how do you attempt to move on from this state?
Last Resort Lenders and Money Sense
Not all people are in control of their finances, which makes them vulnerable to last resort lenders.
Help Kids Navigate their Financial Success
Today’s youth are still being taught delayed gratification is the key to financial success, but the waiting isn’t working for them.