There's tremendous power in your dreams and in your imagination and in your creativity. Everybody needs a dream for life. It is psychologically healthy.
Health & Wellness
Articles about our health and wellbeing, mind, emotions, keeping fit, your hearing, eyesight and dental needs, natural remedies and keeping vital.
Eugene Moreau – Moving Beyond Sadness & Regret (Part One)
Several months ago we watched a movie that had an interesting and memorable effect on us as a family. As a result of this movie we experienced a sense of sadness that lasted for several days. Let me tell you about it.
Eugene Moreau – Are You a Thermometre or a Thermostat?
Are you the Influencer or the Influenced?
Ron Tustin – Making Goals Work For You
"It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves." Sir Edmund Hillary.
Reduce Your Risk Of Alzheimers
Get smart and reduce your risk of Alzheimers by eating a healthy diet and engaging in ...
What Is LASIK Laser Vision Correction?
LASIK (laser in-situ keratomiliusis) refers to a permanent laser vision correction procedure that reshapes the cornea in order to free people from wearing glasses or contacts. LASIK is the most advanced and accurate method of improving eyesight for adult
New Zealanders Are Embracing Tai Chi
Older New Zealanders are embracing Tai Chi - 25'000 have moved and stepped their way through an ACC Tai Chi course
Yoga For Menopause Relief
Yoga is an adaptive discipline that can support the body through the myriad of biological changes it is making.
Does Oprah Need A Melanoma Before We Realise Suntans Aren’t Healthy?
I’m 56 years old. Sunny beach day, sitting in our fold up chairs at our table ...
Chris Toal – Tennis Ball Technique for Rhomboids
The old adage "when you need a copper they are never around" often applies to getting some massage for tired sore muscles. When you most need a massage, you can never find someone to help out.