So you want to enjoy great sex and you want your partner to think of you ...
Health & Wellness
Articles about our health and wellbeing, mind, emotions, keeping fit, your hearing, eyesight and dental needs, natural remedies and keeping vital.
Assessing Long-Term Potential on a Date
Nine tried and true things to look for when assessing a man's long-term potential on a date.
Three Easy Tips to Staying in Love
Everyone wants to fall in love. Falling is the fun part. Staying around after the crash landing can be tricky.
Eugene Moreau – Are You Building A Brick Wall Or A Cathedral?
This week you will be invited to answer this question: does my vision inspire cathedrals or simple brick walls?
Eugene Moreau – Outlook on Life
Don't go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention!
Taking Care of Dentures
Caring for your denture on a daily basis can heighten your sense of well being, and ...
How safe is your Home?
Middlemore Trauma Services see all too often the results of people who have accidents in and ...
Never Stop Learning
An active mind is a healthy mind. Stay active, train your brain regularly, and never stop learning
Prostate keeping you awake at night?
A non-toxic herbal supplement, an accepted medical treatment in New Zealand, is proving to be an effective way of improving prostate health.
Doctor, Give It To Me Straight
It is important to find the right doctor as you enter menopause.