I’m 56 years old. Sunny beach day, sitting in our fold up chairs at our table ...
Health & Wellness
Articles about our health and wellbeing, mind, emotions, keeping fit, your hearing, eyesight and dental needs, natural remedies and keeping vital.
Chris Toal – Tennis Ball Technique for Rhomboids
The old adage "when you need a copper they are never around" often applies to getting some massage for tired sore muscles. When you most need a massage, you can never find someone to help out.
Healthy Dieting: Eat 5 Meals a Day and Lose Weight!
A lot of fad diets rely on depriving the body of food, but if you look ...
Prevention and Treatment for Dry Skin
Dry skin, or xerosis, is a skin type usually marked by firm texture and parched skin. ...
Treatments for Diverticulitis
Description Some people develop multiple small pouches in the lining of their intestines (usually in the ...
Dissociative Identity Disorder
Multiple Personality Disorder and the modern hype surrounding it.
Hormones, chemicals and your sex drive
Make Your Relationship More Sexually Fulfilling
I used to yell at my lover for not being attentive to my sexual yens. I’d ...
Six Steps To Help Stress
Stress can be a huge obstacle that gets in the way of our healthy lifestyle goals. What can you do to effectively manage your stress? The following six steps will help you to make changes to have less stress and more happiness in your life.
Build Self-Esteem from the Inside
Our happiness is directly related to our self-esteem. Self-esteem affects our confidence and general outlook in life. It is however important to note that building our self-esteem is up to each and every one of us.