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Health & Wellness
Articles about our health and wellbeing, mind, emotions, keeping fit, your hearing, eyesight and dental needs, natural remedies and keeping vital.
3 Ways to Improve Your Mood
We all experience our ups and downs. Life can really be hard sometimes, but it’s how ...
Diabetes – New Zealand’s Silent Epidemic
Diabetes is emerging fast as the biggest health catastrophe the world has ever seen. Find out more here.
Common Symptoms of Gum Disease and Treatments
Gum diseases or rather periodontal diseases refer to the growth of bacteria which will lead to the destruction of tissues that are around and essentially support the teeth.
Home Remedies for Ankle Swelling
It may affect both legs and may include the calves or even the thighs. But, most ...
Seven Steps to Help Build Intimacy
If you and your partner are on the same page about this, the following steps will help you to build intimacy and open communication making your relationship much stronger.
Trust, Love, Sex and Batteries – Advice for Men
Advice for Men on the topics of Women, Trust, Self-Consciousness, and much more.
The Best Sexual Position for Older Guys
In this article, we discuss the best sexual position for an older man use. Our authority ...
Agewell: “Live For The Day” Says Jenny
Jenny Beeson believes in being in the moment rather than rehashing the past or worrying about the future. Perhaps that is because she has already lived three lives.
Dating for 50 Plus
It's never too late to date, the key is not to rush the process.