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Health & Wellness

Articles about our health and wellbeing, mind, emotions, keeping fit, your hearing, eyesight and dental needs, natural remedies and keeping vital.

Janis Grummitt – Why I Play the Piano Badly

I started playing after reaching the age of 40. I knew that I would never become a concert pianist - or even a really good one. I would always be an amateur. I taught myself because I knew that playing the piano is one of those 'must do' brain exercises t

How to Treat Itching

Itching is a tingling or uneasy irritation of the skin that makes you want to scratch the affected area. When itching is generalized and persistent, medical help may be needed to determine and treat the cause.

Ron Tustin – The Power of Positive Thinking

In the world of 'helping ourselves' and coaching there is one common theme - people wish to do it, people describe themselves as being like it and very many 'self-help' books give advice on how to get it - it is positive thinking.

Who Cares?

When your partner becomes disabled - and it can happen at any age - how do you suddenly deal with the day-to-day care and expenses? DONNA FLEMING finds out.

Mynda Mansfield – Conflict Resolution

Whether the conflict is perceived to be internal or external it has the same cause: The Law of Attraction. And what we experience as 'inner conflict' is really what causes conflict situations in our 'external' lives.

Ron Tustin – New Dreams and Goals

Many of the people I have spoken to this year have said that they are hopeful and optimistic about this year. Nowhere has this been stated so well as in the saying 'let the problems of last year become the compost to grow the flowers for this year.'