People have often looked at me sideways when they are droopy eyed and flagging whilst I am still bright eyed and bushy tailed and said - "Where do you get your energy from?" I smile, then giggle, and explain that because I laugh heartily every day and br
Health & Wellbeing
Just A Spoonful of Sugar?
Can sugar make you forgetful? Slow your brain? A recent study suggests sugar sabotages learning and memory.
Lynda Andrews – Harness the Power of your Laugh!
Being a Laughter Yoga Teacher, I laugh for a living. And, what a wonderful gift it is to pass onto others. Laughter is universal
Natasha Williams – Protecting Frail Skin from Injury
As our skin becomes thin and frail with age, it can be easily bruised or torn by minor accidents around the home or while working outdoors.
Natasha Williams – Better Skin with Macadamia Oil
Our skin has a vital role in protecting us from the environment, helping control our body temperature and fluid balance, as well as containing nerve receptors to allow us to feel sensations of touch.
Ron Tustin – Is It Your Car or You?
"Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't." - Erica Jong
Something Your Doctor Won’t Tell You
For over a hundred years medical authorities have warned against the excessive use of salt in our diet. The evidence to support this is far from clear.
New Zealand’s Own Super Food
A product that could genuinely be said to be a "NZ Produced Super Food" is Golden Kiwi Fruit. It contains almost all the essential vitamins and minerals as well as being a very strong antioxidant.
The Major Barrier to Hepatitis C Treatment in NZ
The major barrier to Hepatitis C treatment for New Zealanders is that they are unaware of their infection, or the diagnosis is delayed until liver disease is advanced by which time the treatment is less effective.
Back Pain, Stiff Shoulders?
How much do you know about the Alexander Technique?