What kind of crackers do firemen like with their soup?
Joke of the Day
The banana cake I was making was in the oven when my 16-year-old came into the kitchen where the family had gathered.
Joke of the Day
The General Managers of Tui, DB, Macs, Monteiths & Speights were at a National Beer Conference when they all went to lunch.
Joke of the Day
A police officer in a small town stopped a motorist who was speeding down the main street.
Joke of the Day
The strong young man at the construction site was bragging that he could outdo anyone in a feat of strength.
Joke of the Day
An elderly couple had dinner at another couple's house, and after eating, the wives left the table and went into the kitchen.
Joke of the Day
An insurance rep, a sales assistant and their manager are walking to lunch when they find an old oil lamp.
Joke of the Day
Why did the man put his money in the freezer?
Joke of the Day
What do you call a baby monkey?
Joke of the Day
What happens if you eat yeast and shoe polish?