Do you visit the local gym or fitness club for hydrotherapy, a swim or aquaerobics? Do you look at the gym equipment and think "that's just not for me"? Well it's time to think again.
Health & Wellness
Articles about our health and wellbeing, mind, emotions, keeping fit, your hearing, eyesight and dental needs, natural remedies and keeping vital.
Video: 5 minute mobility & stretch routine
A quick morning exercise session is great to start your day. A simple exercise routine can ...
My learning for life from online games
For the past few years I have been playing a number of online games in my quest to build and maintain my brain. Specifically those that develop speed of reaction, strategic adaptation and memory.
Video: 14 minute tai chi routine
Tai chi chuan movements for tai chi warmup, tai chi cool down, practicing tai chi in ...
Spring-inspired fitness ideas for you & your ageing parent
When my aging mother came to live with us, my husband I did a lot for ...
How to get your wife back & avoid divorce
So, your wife wants a divorce and you don't. Where does that leave you? Not in a happy situation.
Arthritis – anyone, anytime
September 19th to 25th is appeal week for Arthritis New Zealand and they need your help. ...
Video: The Ice Man, Wim Hoff
Wim Hof (born 20 April 1959) is commonly nicknamed “The Iceman” for his ability to withstand extreme ...
The best sex ever – From a man’s point of view
The answer to great sex probably isn't what you'd expect.
Is there such a thing as good bacteria?
When we think of bacteria, we tend to think of infection. But did you know, the ...