If you are distressed by your relationships, then you need to change the way in which you react to the behaviour of others. If you hold a belief that you will only be happy when the other person changes, it's time to get real.
Health & Wellness
Articles about our health and wellbeing, mind, emotions, keeping fit, your hearing, eyesight and dental needs, natural remedies and keeping vital.
Finding Love After 50
Most of us, once we reach a certain point in life, stop going to a certain type of place, namely: singles bars. So what are your other options for meeting someone new?
Special Nutritional Needs
Good nutrition is essential for the health of seniors, not just for minimising sickness, but to ...
Guide to Yoga styles
The image of yoga has changed during the past years. If once, the first picture that ...
Don’t Ignore Back Pain
Your back pain may have just started, but your back pain problem began long ago.
Whose body is it anyway?
Do you ever have those days where you wonder what ever happened to the body that ...
Why do aged Pensioners stay in bed?
Grey Power has for the past two years published results of a partial survey of members, ...
Help Someone Mourning The Loss Of A Pet
Here's what you should know about helping someone who is mourning the death of a pet since there is great sorrow involved that can go on for long periods of time.
Jenness Reeve – Exercise and ‘Seniors’
What is meant by the term 'seniors'? These days it is very hard to generalise, not all seniors are little grey haired frail grandmas and granddads.
Chairs that are chiefly designed for your comfort and convenience
Chiefly Chairs has been providing tailor made furniture to thousands of New Zealanders for over a decade. Through constant innovation they have developed a wide range of furniture to fit all needs and requirements.