Did you know that there is a similarity between varicose veins and hemorrhoids? That's because instead ...
Health & Wellness
Articles about our health and wellbeing, mind, emotions, keeping fit, your hearing, eyesight and dental needs, natural remedies and keeping vital.
Skin Care With Apples
Apple is a great fruit widely being used for cakes, pies and many health care products ...
Sore Throat Home Remedies
Gargling helps you soothe your sore and irritating throat. There are various garling recipes available. Here ...
Pregnancy and post-partum urinary incontinence
Pregnancy and post-partum urinary incontinence – more than an inconvenience The hormonal and physical effects of ...
You are not alone – Facts about Incontinence
It is estimated that almost 280,000 people suffer from the involuntary loss of urine in New Zealand.
What stops women seeking help? (Incontinence)
Although stress incontinence can have a profound impact on daily routine and can result in psychological effects,...
Prostate cancer
Watchful waiting (also known as expectant management) is a management option available to men with early-stage prostate cancer.
Urinary Incontinence with HRT
An increased risk of urinary incontinence with HRT.
Facts about Incontinence
It is estimated that almost 280,000 people suffer from the involuntary loss of urine in New Zealand.
Menopause & Incontinence
There has been a strong push towards more active screening for urinary incontinence by health care professionals,...