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Health & Wellness

Articles about our health and wellbeing, mind, emotions, keeping fit, your hearing, eyesight and dental needs, natural remedies and keeping vital.

About Glaucoma NZ

Glaucoma NZ is a non-government funded charitable trust established in 2002 with a mission to eliminate blindness from glaucoma.

The Burdens of Life

A lecturer, when explaining stress management to an audience, raised a glass of water and asked, "How heavy is this glass of water?"

Medical Matters

It's not unusual for both men and women to experience sexual problems in their latter years, but many of these issues can be easily fixed,

You’re Never Too Old…

It probably won't be as rollicking as it was in the Woodstock days, but most of us should be able to enjoy a healthy sex life right into our eighties, writes ROBYN YOUSEF

Play Time

Even though couples may have been together for what feels like an age, that's no excuse to endure a dull or even non-existent sex life. Couples in their mid fifties and upwards can experience a revitalisation of their sex life, according to the Wendy Lee.

Breast Cancer in New Zealand

More than 600 women die every year from breast cancer and New Zealand has one of the highest incidences and the third highest death rates from the disease in the western world. But, huge changes have been made in treatment and attitudes over the last thre

Ron Tustin – Change Can Be HARD

At the moment many of us are struggling with change such as losing weight, finding or changing jobs, leaving or starting new relationships, coping with illness such as heart disease or depression, staying happy with what we have.