Whether we work for someone else, for ourselves, are retired or 'semi-retired', work from home or travel to a workplace, we need to be able to manage our time well.
Health & Wellness
Articles about our health and wellbeing, mind, emotions, keeping fit, your hearing, eyesight and dental needs, natural remedies and keeping vital.
Lani Lopez – Exercise Against Cancer
British research into cancer treatment and recovery offers exciting hope for cancer sufferers and has turned medical advice on its head.
Janis Grummitt – Gravadlax a Perfect Brain Food
Easy to make and tastes like smoked salmon for half the price!
Osteoarthritis (Part Two)
A number of predisposing factors can hasten this degenerative process, even in young people.
DIY Decibel Levels
Top Ten DIY Noises and Decibel Level Comparison charts
Ron Tustin – Why a Good Coach Will Not Give Advice
When I started as a coach, I asked people for advice on how to succeed.
Osteoarthritis (Part One)
The term "arthritis" means inflammation of a joint, and there are as ways that people can experience arthritis as there are types of arthritis.
Ron Tustin – If Coaching is the Answer, What is The Question?
"We are not held back by the love we didn't receive in the past, but by the love we're not extending in the present." Marianne Williamson
About Glaucoma NZ
Glaucoma NZ is a non-government funded charitable trust established in 2002 with a mission to eliminate blindness from glaucoma.
Natural Help for a Wee Problem [Prostate]
For years I have had issues with my prostate. I was getting out of bed 6 times a night to use the bathroom, causing me to lose sleep and affecting other areas of my health.