I was very lucky that I met my husband, like so many people do, at work. He arrived on my doorstep for Alexander technique lessons.
Health & Wellness
Articles about our health and wellbeing, mind, emotions, keeping fit, your hearing, eyesight and dental needs, natural remedies and keeping vital.
Pushing through plateaus
Hitting a weight loss plateau when you've been working so very hard to lose weight is one of the quickest ways to discourage you and derail your efforts. But you're not the first to deal with such a thing.
Stand Up for Self Esteem
A number of years ago I had a client who worked in the advertising industry. He had had about 30 lessons and one day when he came in he reported to me that his colleagues were treating him differently.
Breast cancer survivor stories
Women react very differently to the news that they have breast cancer, and often address the issues in quite diverse ways. These three women are all long time survivors, and share their feelings about their experiences.
Sit Up and Listen!
Before I went to train to become an Alexander technique teacher, I was gifted a trip to Paris to meet and work with Professor Alfred Tomatis.
Bravo, Pornography!
Porn is one of those concepts that evokes immediate reactions, pro or con, sometimes sending otherwise seemingly sane people into screaming fits.
Flexibility + Mobility = Longevity
This is my equation for life. I truly believe that this is the secret to growing 'young' gracefully.
Forget your Sun Sign – What’s Your Sex Style?
Most people make love the way they want to be made love to. They tend to forget that not only do they have their own lovemaking style there's a good chance that it never occurred to them that their partner's style may be quite different than their own.
Does Education Ruin Your Posture?
I was once asked to do an assessment for the company Johnson and Johnson, and from that assessment I concluded that education ruins your posture.
Ron Tustin – Balancing Act
Whether we work for someone else, for ourselves, are retired or 'semi-retired', work from home or travel to a workplace, we need to be able to manage our time well.