As seems to be the case with many things, exercising as we age means adjusting our approach and in some cases, expectations.
Health & Wellness
Articles about our health and wellbeing, mind, emotions, keeping fit, your hearing, eyesight and dental needs, natural remedies and keeping vital.
Collagen – The Magic Ingredient!
Collagen is a protein in our body which plays an important role in ‘holding us together’, it’s the main ‘ingredient’ of connective tissue.
‘Shrinking World Syndrome’ – how to kick against it!
Anyone involved in the life of an elderly friend, may have noticed this person slowly allowing aspects of their previously rich life to disappear.
Living Alone – Beating Loneliness Starts at Home
When we break loneliness down into its components, two issues stand out - a reduction in pleasurable anticipation, and a lack of change in our home surroundings.
Taking Control
Pain can make life seem like hard work. Many have found that conventional painkillers have minimal effect on conditions such as arthritis, knee pain, sciatica, and arthrosis, especially after long-term use.
Need to be Needed and What Happens When We’re Not
It’s a well-documented fact, loneliness is a plague of our times. It hasn’t always affected the numbers it now does, much of the reason is the way we now live.
Optimise Sleep or Opt Out!
Your sleep used to be an all-night affair. So what has changed to make a lack of sleep your number one concern?
Adapting to Change and Challenge
Life is all about change! However, managing change in life and various challenges that cross our path can also be stressful
How to Help the Hoarder in Your Life
Watching anyone, but especially someone you love, battle a mental illness is hard, and painful.
Are You Doing the Best for Your Bones?
Whether we like it or not, the risk of a bone break is greater when we age than when we were a younger person. So how do we look after our bones?