The written histories of medicine are full of the stories of great discoveries, but who were the true pioneers?
Health & Wellness
Articles about our health and wellbeing, mind, emotions, keeping fit, your hearing, eyesight and dental needs, natural remedies and keeping vital.
How to Succeed Socially Part 1: Conversation
Wishing you could feel more relaxed in the company of others, and want to be better at making conversation? Read on!
Live a Good Life in a Bad Economy
We're living in hard economic times. You may have little or no control over shrinking income or the declining value of your investment portfolio. You do, however, have control over how you deal with these realities.
How To Handle Rejection
Rejection is hard, and it comes in many guises and from many directions. It is something to be tackled head on before it leaves you feeling depressed, anxious and isolated.
Instant Actions | Show Some Compassion – for yourself!
We all know we should be compassionate towards others, but how many of us ever think of showing that same love, kindness and sympathy towards ourselves?
Insights into Mental Illness
Many people in New Zealand and across the globe are impacted by mental disorders, both directly and indirectly. But how do you support someone suffering in your life?
Dementia – what to do if you suspect a friend may have it
Plenty is written about dementia – what this cruel disease is, and how it plays out. Far less is written about what to do when you suspect a friend may have it
Unstoppable: 4 Ways To Become More Motivated
Motivation is an important part of healthy ageing, and if you’ve lost yours, it’s vital you win it back. Fortunately, there are many enticing ways to get off the couch and become more motivated than ever!
Instant Actions | Relationship Revivers – 9 tips to rekindle the spark
Hitting the doldrums – it can happen to any couple, but especially when they’ve been in a relationship for many years.
Caring for Caregivers
As life expectancy increases it is not uncommon to find baby boomers coping with the pressures of full time work and the care of elderly parents.