Art in hospitals has a rich history, over time, with the advances made in medical care, hospitals became places where patients actually recovered so the art needed to keep pace.
Mind & Emotions
Seize Each Day Warmly by the Throat
Drawing inspiration from historical wisdom and personal experiences, Frances emphasises the importance of seizing each day with purpose and resilience.
Relationship Issues – seniors have them too!
Just because you’ve been with your significant other for years (decades, in many cases), doesn’t mean difficulties don’t surface.
Spiritual Wellness – what is it, and how to work on it
What is now known as ‘wellness,’ is a term with origins in the shift from the relatively natural way of living most people engaged in a few decades back to today’s city living
Myth Buster #1 Seniors are Out-of-Touch
Seniors, more than any other demographic, have the time and the determination to stay relevant, and are keeping up-to-date in a myriad of different ways.
Embracing Change – it’s worth the risk!
Change can feel scary. It demands we step out of our comfort zone and into the unknown.
How to Use Your Mailbox to Liven up Your Day
Whether you’re facing loneliness, boredom, or simply want to add a new dimension to your day, opening a letter, card, or parcel is one of the simplest ways to do it.
Procrastination – How to Put it Off!
Being a procrastinator is hard enough – so don’t let anyone tell you you’re lazy too! If this affects you, or someone you care about, read the following steps to help overcome procrastination
7 Strategies to Cultivate Trust
Enhancing trust within a relationship is pivotal for fostering a profound connection and enduring love with your partner.
Grabable Words
Discover the power of 'Grabable Words' in navigating mental wellness challenges, as author Julia reflects on a childhood experience highlighting the importance of expressing feelings and using language as a tool for resilience and connection.