We’ve put together tips on how rural seniors can stay socially connected, and how urban seniors can help them do it!
Mind & Emotions
How to Recognise and Overcome Depression
Depression is not a normal part of ageing, but it is a common and serious problem among older adults.
Grief – Universal Yet Individual
Although grief is specific to each individual, it can help to understand almost everyone who experiences it, encounters a similar set of ‘symptoms.’
‘I’m a Carboholic,’ Part #3
In the third instalment of ‘I’m a Carboholic’, we discuss how plant fibre in our diet helps us to feel full for longer, and how refined food has the opposite effect.
Feeling Blue? Let Music Alter Your Mood!
It’s time to change the music – or put some on – because it turns out music has the ability to lift our mood!
Moving Home – Is it Ever too Late?
Relocating is something most people consider during the course of their lifetime, and seniors aren’t immune from it.
Quiet Confidence
My definition of ‘quiet confidence’ places value on feeling centred, grounded and connected to your own inner ‘light’.
The Transformative Power of Art
Art in hospitals has a rich history, over time, with the advances made in medical care, hospitals became places where patients actually recovered so the art needed to keep pace.
Seize Each Day Warmly by the Throat
Drawing inspiration from historical wisdom and personal experiences, Frances emphasises the importance of seizing each day with purpose and resilience.
Relationship Issues – seniors have them too!
Just because you’ve been with your significant other for years (decades, in many cases), doesn’t mean difficulties don’t surface.