The term "arthritis" means inflammation of a joint, and there are as ways that people can experience arthritis as there are types of arthritis.
Health & Wellbeing
Beat Insomnia and Sleep Soundly
Read about a breakthrough solution to Insomnia - brain entrainment.
How to Treat Itching
Itching is a tingling or uneasy irritation of the skin that makes you want to scratch the affected area. When itching is generalized and persistent, medical help may be needed to determine and treat the cause.
Advantages of Hot Stone Full Body Massage
A full body massage is often treated as a form of therapy by some people. The ...
Who Cares?
When your partner becomes disabled - and it can happen at any age - how do you suddenly deal with the day-to-day care and expenses? DONNA FLEMING finds out.
Ron Tustin – Getting a Good Night’s Sleep
People who snore always fall asleep first. ~ Author Unknown - The problem of lack of sleep affects most of us at some time, especially when we are worrying or feel overloaded. I hope this helps!
Ron Tustin – Values and Goals
the world around them. Values are not the same as goals. We may often set goals for ourselves that do not match with our values.
Are you over 50 and satisfied with your health?
One of the fastest growing segments of the population in our country is the over 50 age-group. The baby boomers are maturing, and along with this "maturing" comes an increased interest in health and quality of life.
Eric Bakker – Are You Heading for Burn-Out? (Part One)
Read more from Eric Bakker NDRead Part Two here. Hotels and restaurants, and education lead the ...
Eric Bakker – Are You Heading for Burn-Out? (Part Two)
Read more from Eric Bakker ND Read Part One here. The 4 stages of burnout ...