As a health sceptic, I’m usually pretty critical of ‘superfoods’ like blueberries and chia seeds, but one ...
Health & Wellness
Articles about our health and wellbeing, mind, emotions, keeping fit, your hearing, eyesight and dental needs, natural remedies and keeping vital.
Paul Ego, what is cardiac arrest anyway?
Comedian Paul Ego is back again to talk about what exactly Cardiac Arrest is and how ...
Can sex still fulfill you after 50?
We've been led to believe that sexual fulfillment becomes more difficult to achieve once you pass the ripe "old" age of 50.
Gut loving berry gummies
Gummies are a great way to get in some gut-healing nutrients as well as enjoy a ...
Food for the brain
There is no doubt that food affects the brain. Recent research confirms that it affects us in two ways...
Bingo wings be gone! How to tighten your arm muscles
Even if you don’t play bingo, the dreaded ‘wings’ can still creep up when you least ...
Do pricey cold & flu remedies really work?
Feeling a bit low or on the edge of a cold or flu? Save your money ...
Sex after 50: Attitude & communication
Advancement in age is inevitable, but that does not mean you should stop living your sexual life to the fullest. Sex after 50 can be as fulfilling as when you were twenty.
For a Healthy Spine – Recline!
There’s no denying it: our bodies do change over time. We’re no longer as spritely and ...
What would you remember?
The video below on youtube made me think. Degenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s, robs people of their memories. ...