Are you considering buying a mobility scooter, or know someone who is? It can often be ...
Health & Wellness
Articles about our health and wellbeing, mind, emotions, keeping fit, your hearing, eyesight and dental needs, natural remedies and keeping vital.
Backhanded compliments
We all know that “No offence, but…” generally precedes an incredibly offensive or judgemental statement. Similarly, ...
How many calories do you burn cleaning your house?
Have you ever felt like you need an excuse to clean your bathroom or it simply ...
Ears ringing? You could have tinnitus. But don’t worry, so does Eric Clapton
Feel like you have a constant ringing in your ears? Maybe it sounds like a low ...
Keeping in contact – stopping social isolation
A healthy mind and a healthy body go together hand in hand. Very rarely do we ...
Inspiring “silver” sports stars
While grand slam tennis players and Olympic swimmers tend to peak in their 30s or even ...
Things to remember if you love someone with dementia
With over 170,000 Kiwis expected to be living with dementia by 2050, cognitive decline is something ...
Dance your way to well-being
One of the best ways to keep up with exercise is to find a physical activity ...
Should I do sit-ups?
Sit-ups seem to be the go-to exercise when someone wants to ‘get abs’ or lose some ...
Vegan food swaps that aren’t weird
I really enjoy cooking and baking and I try to eat healthily which has lead me ...