Let’s face it. No matter how hearty your breakfast was or how stuffed you feel after ...
Health & Wellness
Articles about our health and wellbeing, mind, emotions, keeping fit, your hearing, eyesight and dental needs, natural remedies and keeping vital.
New Tools to Make New Year’s Resolutions Take Wings and Fly
No matter where I am, by 12 o'clock the New Year's resolutions are normally all lined up like little, red tin soldiers ready to march into the New Year.
Is swimming the best exercise for older adults?
Risk of injury often keeps older adults from diving into sports and fitness activities outside of ...
Sex after 60? Answers to questions you’ve been too afraid to ask
Sex. It’s not something we talk about in general conversation, particularly when we’re over 60. After ...
Cutting through the diet hype: What works – and what doesn’t
There are two ways to think about the word ‘diet’. One is what a culture or ...
Six types of workout pain you shouldn’t ignore
Did you know there is a medical term for the body aches that occur in the ...
When you eat matters – new science in type 2 diabetes
Intermittent fasting and its effects Type 2 diabetes is a huge health issue, affecting around 210,000 ...
3 mistakes that make you a bad listener
Are you a bad listener? Perhaps people have said to you, “You’re not listening!” before. Maybe ...
The benefits of doing nothing
Whether we are working or retired most of the advice we read about in columns like this, talks about finding ways to manage our busy lives, set goals, have some balance, set priorities and plan.
Liver detoxifying green smoothie
The veggies and fruit found in this smoothie are all claimed to help keep the liver ...