While the stress response can be a positive in the short term, helping us to get through difficult circumstances, enhancing our learning in new situations, long term over stimulation of this stress response impacts negatively on all body systems.
Health & Wellness
Articles about our health and wellbeing, mind, emotions, keeping fit, your hearing, eyesight and dental needs, natural remedies and keeping vital.
42 Great Dates
Stuck for ideas for a date? With this great list you shouldn't be at a loss for ideas ever again!
New Year, New Goals
New Year Everyone! I hope you all had a perfectly wonderful festive season. Christmas preparations seem to go on for weeks and suddenly we find another Christmas is over and we are all preparing for the New Year and what it may bring.
Chocolate Cake and the 5 Facets of a Great Stroke Recovery Programme
Stroke rehabilitation is the lens I look through, and there are a couple of important points to keep in mind about stroke rehabilitation programmes.
New Hope for the Stroke Afflicted
As a physiotherapist, I've often heard caregivers of the stroke-afflicted ask: "How do I help my loved one realise their potential post-stroke?"
Ron Tustin – Christmas Holidays: Pain or Gain?
In the Southern hemisphere where Christmas coincides with our long summer holidays we have so much to consider and we may feel blessed or cursed. The good news is that there are some things we can do to help ourselves...
Ron Tustin – When is the Right Time to Set Our Goals?
We all do it from time to time. We have a bad day and we think that this is the best time to set a goal and will be motivated to change. There is another way when we find ourselves in a stressful situation and want to do something about it...
New Zealand’s Diabetes Epidemic
A leading cause of death, poorly managed diabetes is the major cause of heart attacks and strokes, kidney failure and blindness. It is the largest contributor to foot and leg amputations and causes impotence.
What Is Brain Fitness?
Increasingly, we hear about brain fitness in the media. So what is it? Brain fitness is about how your brain and memory perform for you - every day.
The Fifth Stage of Grief
Getting into a small routine again is a simple plan. Make sure that you include some things you really used to enjoy that have been overlooked or deliberately not done because it reminds you of your loss.