"By appreciation, we make excellence in others our own property." Voltaire
Mind & Emotions
Ron Tustin – Questions to Ourselves
"Anyone who knows all the answers most likely misunderstood the questions"
Lynda Andrews – Laughter Transforms your Life From The Inside Out!
Let me begin with a quote from a well-known Swami of Laughter. "The Human Jestive System: We have been given the human jestive system to turn the material of life into healing laughter." Swami Beyondananda.
The Fourth Stage of Grief
Feelings of melancholy and sad reflection may overtake you and you may feel like isolating yourself and avoiding contact. This is an important part of the grieving process and one that well meaning people may try to talk you out of or jolly you around.
The Third Stage of Grief
Anger can be a frustrating emotion to work out. Sometimes it is obvious who you are angry with and other times the identification of the source of it can be elusive.
Ron Tustin – Being ‘Perfect’ and Going for Gold
In the last two weeks we have seen on our television screens many people succeed at the London Olympics and we have a better appreciation of how they have achieved their successes, medal winners or not.
The Second Stage of Grief
After the initial shock starts wearing off and the numb feeling that protects us after a trauma starts to melt away, we are left with the second stage of grief - Pain and Guilt.
Ron Tustin – The Ways We Are Seen
Recently I have been thinking about the theory of projection, developed by Freud. I liken it to a movie projector. As the projectionist you are sitting in a little box at the back of the cinema. The film is projected from here some metres away on to other
The 6 Stages of Grief
Many people will experience these emotions and feelings as they work through the aftermath of a death in their circle whether it is a family member, friend or pet.
Tips for Overcoming Grief
Heartfelt thanks to all of you who have sent me messages regarding my first article for GrownUps. I'm replying to two of your letters this time.