Helen King’s banker parents shifted about New Zealand, living in one or another of the country’s ...
Mind & Emotions
Experiencing Life Fully
Jay Shapiro moved from Brooklyn, New York to New Zealand more than thirty years ago because he thought this country would provide opportunities for him to become more reflective and inner focused and that he has!
Way #6 to Kill Conflict – Take Turns
TAKE TURNS at talking. Give the other person room to convey their ideas, and you will get the same chance too.
Look for the Light at the End of the Tunnel
Paul Potaka, principal at Nelson Central School, deals with the challenges of ageing much the same way he deals with challenges at his school.
Want to Age Consciously? Get Out The Door
You probably have seen the bust of Eelco Boswijk, Nelson icon, on Trafalgar, just north of Selwyn Place.
Grab Life by the Horns
Read more from Agewell. By Mike Milstein Marina Gosnell believes that life is to be lived ...
Just Keep On Keeping On
Work brought Liz Chinnery to Nelson about twenty years ago. Now sixty nine and retired, she says "every day I pull back the curtains, look outside and say yay, another day! Any day is a good day in Nelson."
Life, Death and Meaning
Dorothy Maplesden died on August 1, 2007. The eulogy given by two of her daughters highlighted the many ways that Dorothy touched peoples' lives throughout the community.
Life Is What We Make It
" Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be" -- Grandma Moses
Intentional Ageing
Read more from Agewell. By Mike Milstein Every new year many of us make resolutions that ...