Time and time again, Danes are continually crowned the happiest people on the planet. And let’s ...
Mind & Emotions
The benefits of doing nothing
Whether we are working or retired most of the advice we read about in columns like this, talks about finding ways to manage our busy lives, set goals, have some balance, set priorities and plan.
Why divorce rates spike after summer
For most people, summer is a chance to rest, relax and spend quality time with loved ...
All wise people are old, but not all old people are wise
In the developed world we are at a stage where it will be possible, for the first time in history, to have a greater balance of wisdom.
The Happy Commuter
The daily commute to and from work can be a challenge. For those of us living ...
Modern Etiquette
Proper behaviour; it’s a very fluid thing – what one person may consider the height of ...
Living a life of Gratitude
Creating an attitude of gratitude is one of the easiest steps we can take to improve ...
How to deal with losing friends after a break-up
Break ups suck. There are no two ways about it. While there are many things that ...
10 ways to get back into dating
After years of marriage or an extended period of time spent in a long-term relationship, it ...
Love Revival
In the midst of a busy life, juggling children, grandchildren, work, hobbies and home maintenance, it ...