Rheumatoid Arthritis can affect body parts besides joints, such as your eyes, mouth and lungs. It is an autoimmune disease, which means the arthritis results from your immune system attacking your body's own tissues. No one knows what causes rheumatoid ar
Health & Wellbeing
A Guide to the Use of Calcium Supplements
Calcium supplements are more widely used in the world than any other dietary supplement including all minerals, vitamins, and herbal, marine, animal or bee derived products.
To Be or Not To Be
That is the question! Can Alexander technique be the answer?
Is the Exercise You Are Doing, Helping or Hurting You?
I was very lucky that I met my husband, like so many people do, at work. He arrived on my doorstep for Alexander technique lessons.
Pushing through plateaus
Hitting a weight loss plateau when you've been working so very hard to lose weight is one of the quickest ways to discourage you and derail your efforts. But you're not the first to deal with such a thing.
Sit Up and Listen!
Before I went to train to become an Alexander technique teacher, I was gifted a trip to Paris to meet and work with Professor Alfred Tomatis.
Flexibility + Mobility = Longevity
This is my equation for life. I truly believe that this is the secret to growing 'young' gracefully.
Does Education Ruin Your Posture?
I was once asked to do an assessment for the company Johnson and Johnson, and from that assessment I concluded that education ruins your posture.
Lani Lopez – Exercise Against Cancer
British research into cancer treatment and recovery offers exciting hope for cancer sufferers and has turned medical advice on its head.
Janis Grummitt – Gravadlax a Perfect Brain Food
Easy to make and tastes like smoked salmon for half the price!