Did you know sometimes dairy is unfairly blamed for causing all sorts of problems, when in fact the opposite is true?
Health & Wellbeing
The habits of truly positive people
From pulling yourself out of a rut to improving your mental health, there’s no denying the ...
9 signs you could be suffering from leaky gut
Vexing twenty-something-year-olds and post-menopausal women alike, leaky gut syndrome can wreak all kinds of havoc on ...
Is your home making you sick?
Toxins are all around us, with the average person exposed to thousands of nasties on a ...
Perceptions of housing in New Zealand
We all want to feel happy, healthy, safe, and sound in our own homes. This is ...
How to reclaim the power from draining people & situations
From your workplace to the family birthday party, draining people and situations are impossible to escape. ...
Back from the mountains
Greetings once again. Prior to Christmas I was asked by Grown Ups to share some of ...
Doctor John Mayhew joins the Heart Saver campaign in an effort to make more AEDs available for everyday Kiwis
Doctor John Mayhew joins the Heart Saver campaign in an effort to make more AEDs available ...
4 House plants for better health
Having a home with no house plants is like having a home with no photos in ...
A philosophy, a lifestyle and a key to health from Norway. Friluftsliv [pronounced free-loofts-liv]: A Norwegian ...