E-bikes can be a safe and suitable option for senior riders when certain considerations are taken into account.
Active Body
We’re looking out for you and wish for you to have an Active Body, to make the best use of your time.
Home Alone? Try these lifting solutions
Lifting and carrying doesn’t get any easier with age. Try employ some of the following tips to help you stay independent around your home!
How to Stay Motivated to Exercise
How to keep exercising in colder weather
Nymbl Exercise of the Week
Have you tried the Nymbl app yet? While the app is designed mainly for those over ...
The Importance of Balance Exercises
Balance is fundamental to all bodily movement. Doing exercises regularly helps you maintain this key skill.
The Benefits of Better Balance
Unfortunately, balance is an often overlooked aspects of good health. Read our top seven reasons to make balance training part of your everyday lifestyle.
As Strength Declines Resolve Takes Over!
Around the home, there are small changes you can make to compensate for loss of strength. Check out our tips and talk with friends about the one hundred and one ways to ‘carry on and conquer!’
Are Ebikes Beneficial for those with Knee, Hip or Heart Issues?
NZ-based MeloYelo ebikes decided to pose these questions to an artificial intelligence “bot” to see what it would come up with.
Life’s a Balancing Act
Whether you’re an activity bunny, or content with fitting in a daily walk, it takes just one fall to ruin your good intentions. And it’s all to do with balance.
Keeping Muscles Stronger For Longer
One of the most surprising features of our bodies is we start to lose muscle mass and strength from our mid 30's and this continues throughout our entire life.