We are very pleased to be giving away one of three copies of Laughton King's book 'Inside the Dyslexic Mind', to our GrownUps members.
Mind & Emotions
A Gentle Guide to one of life’s great traumas
THE ABANDONED WIVES HANDBOOK Why did I write this little book? Having been an abandoned wife myself, I know how deep the pain goes.
Pearls of Wisdom
Have you forgotten to wear your wisdom as your statement piece, with pride?
Create An Eye Catching Online Dating Profile
The most important part of finding your special someone through online dating is your profile.
Our Mindset Makes a Huge Difference
Let’s talk a little about mindset. If you think therapists, coaches or counsellors do the doing, make the changes happen in you, you will go away disappointed.
Don’t Let the Unavoidable Keep You Cluttered
There are often good reasons why some households are burdened with more possessions than others. We take a look at those reasons and check out how to manage the bulk.
How to Beat the Holiday-Season Blues
Part of beating the holiday blues, is to arm yourself with practical ways to keep up your spirits until your loved ones return from their break. And here are some suggestions for doing just that!
What Your Brain does Behind the Scenes
We are so used to our brain functioning automatically, we don't spend much time thinking about what is going on in there.
Looking After Yourself when Caring for Someone with Dementia
If you are a caregiver of a loved one with dementia, it’s more important than ever you take care of yourself.
Festive Socialising – how to make it happen
If you love to socialise, and there’s just not enough ‘Christmas’ happening in your neck of the woods – perhaps it’s time to create your own.