There’s an amusing (if perhaps mildly unkind) joke doing the rounds at present and it goes ...
Mind & Emotions
Backhanded compliments
We all know that “No offence, but…” generally precedes an incredibly offensive or judgemental statement. Similarly, ...
Keeping in contact – stopping social isolation
A healthy mind and a healthy body go together hand in hand. Very rarely do we ...
Things to remember if you love someone with dementia
With over 170,000 Kiwis expected to be living with dementia by 2050, cognitive decline is something ...
Happiness 101
Every day do you feel happy? If not, it is time to make some changes. Let’s ...
How to beat negative thinking (Part 2)
Now, we will take each of the above cognitive distortions and discuss some powerful coping strategies that will help you dispel the blues before they even start.
Never forget that YOU are a catch!
Do you ever stop and think that right now, right this very second, that there is someone out there looking for you?
How to beat negative thinking (Part 1)
Which came first, the depression or the pessimistic thoughts? The answer may surprise you.
Coping with grief
At some time in our life, we all have to cope with grief. For me losing ...