If you spend time each day on crosswords, sudoku or other puzzles, you aren’t filling in ...
Mind & Emotions
How to be happy
Happiness. To some, it’s little more than a myth. To others it’s a constant goal. But ...
How men & women argue
This month I would like to talk about the different ways men and women argue with each other.
Crushing and cutting floral foam – very satisfying to watch
Have you heard about ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) videos? These videos show people interacting with ...
Are menopause hormones controlling your weight & mood?
Is it just us, or do you cringe with jealousy every time your twenty-something-year-old son scoffs ...
Wedding anniversary gifts
Love and marriage: over time, wars have been fought for love, alliances have been made through marriage ...
Family arguments
Families are a wonderfully chaotic mix some days – love and delight one moment, all-out war ...
What type of yoga is right for you?
Yoga is an ancient physical, mental and spiritual practice dating back over 5000 years. But which ...
How complete your grocery shop with a smile
Generally, grocery shopping is a joyless task you try to get in and out as fast ...
Wine O’Clock
It’s Friday, and later in the day, many of us will partake of a glass or ...