Whether your goals are to look after the garden, keep up with the grandkids, or run a half marathon, what you put in to your body is just as important as what you do with your body.
Active Body
We’re looking out for you and wish for you to have an Active Body, to make the best use of your time.
Rheumatoid Arthritis vs Osteoarthritis
So, what really is the difference between Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis?
5 Back Pain Mistakes you’re Making
If you’ve tried all the solutions available to you for treating your chronic back pain, you may be making these common back pain mistakes.
How to Keep Fit While Beating the Heat!
We usually associate a loss of fitness with winter, summer heat can also be off-putting. Read our tips to combat it and keep up your fitness!
Do Ageing Bodies Need More Protein?
No matter what your age, protein is an essential part of any balanced diet. But as the body gets older, its needs start to change.
Recipes to Overcome Health Challenges
There’s no doubt that health can pose challenges to lifestyle. Yet we all know of people with the ability to overcome or work around challenges.
Shoulder Injuries: How to avoid an epidemic!
Injuries to the shoulder rotator cuff tendons are becoming more and more common these days. It seems as though half my patients have rotator cuff problems!
Take a Seat and … Ready, Set, GO!
Chair-based exercise is taking the world by storm – and for a very good reason.
Filling Up With Fun
We get emotional energy from many sources. The best source is positive emotions: things that feel good. Here are some ideas for how you can fill the right tanks
Exercise ABCs – Don’t Let Terminology Put You Off!
From ‘reps’ to ‘recovery,’ and ‘HITs’ to ‘heart rates’ it’s enough to overwhelm anyone. Get started with some basic definitions, especially as they apply to seniors!