Some 60,000 to 70,000 Kiwis live with coeliac disease but only 20% of that number know that they are.
Tag: Healthy Living
8 myths around CPR and AEDs
Most of us have completed a first aid course in our time, learning how to perform CPR on someone without a heartbeat.
Getting a D Has Never Been So Important
Vitamin D is an essential vitamin for human health and well being, protecting us from disease, including some cancers, brittle bones and ensuring optimal health. It is one that the human body does not produce or store easily and is best generated through
Sweet smelling alert
Are you one of those people enticed by advertisements which promise a joyful and elated life can be yours when your home smells nice?
7 alternative uses for the humble cucumber
1. Cucumbers contain most of the vitamins you need every day, just one cucumber contains Vitamin ...
What is sciatica?
The term sciatica describes symptoms of leg pain, tingling, numbness, pins and needles or weakness.
Reducing bags under your eyes & puffy eyes
Puffy eyes are a condition where the eyes begin swelling due to different factors.
How to overcome an anxiety attack
Many anxiety attack sufferers wish to know how to overcome anxiety attack permanently. Although the process ...
The many benefits of Omega 3
Omega-3 fats are a hot topic for health professionals and consumers alike. Why the resurgence of ...
Golf can prolong life
If you ever need an excuse to play golf just say it prolongs life. That is according to the Swedish medical university Karolinska Institute.