Travel and Make Music

OTBW 1. edith piaf
OTBW 1. edith piaf

OTBW 1. edith piaf

Singing for my supper for seven years was the hardest yet most rewarding achievement, which allows me to say that I have no regrets. I know this is supposed to be a travel blog but music and voyage have more than a little in common; they are both like doors into other dimensions; once opened there is no going back.

It’s like entering a library – it’s a sanctuary and an endless source of possibilities. When I travel I become quiet because in those moments between departing and arriving all you can do is be… and when I listen to good music it takes me traveling without motion. The mind wanders and the images flow.

The songs I like to sing are always the ones that tell stories, funny or sad tales or epics that take you on a journey; into the life of the girl on the beach of Ipanema or to Paris in April with chestnuts in blossom.

Edith Piaf was one of my first idols. ‘Je ne regrette rien – I have no regrets’ was recorded by ‘the little sparrow’ in the early 1960’s. It was played on the radio a lot so it probably went straight into my subconscious mind when I was a toddler. Without understanding any of the words anyone would feel that this is a redemption song.

I think it’s why so many people still relate to it fifty years after it came out; it’s a song about carpe diem, every day is a new start. And maybe it will be my epitaph – no time for regrets.

Here I diverge about traveling for music. In France, June 21st is the national bank holiday completely dedicated to making music – So if you happen to be there at that time, just walk into any information centre to hear where the local Fete de la musique/Faites de la Musique is. Who knows; you may end up dancing the night away to the sound of the accordion.

Back to the question of regrets or no regrets! What do YOU think? Do you think life’s too short for qualms or is there a part of you holding on to believing that somewhere you should have taken a different turn, said something or done something when you didn’t. I’m asking the question because I am truly curious; are people without regrets too shallow to care, is having no regrets not a sign of not having lived? Or do you agree with La Piaf … ‘my love, my life, starts today here with you.’

By Monica Louis – read more from our columnist.