Gardening A to Z: O

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A shoot arising from the base of a plant which can be detached and used for propagation.

Any member of the family Orchidaceae, the second largest plant family after the Composites, consisting of around 18,500 species occurring in nearly all parts of the world but most abundant in tropical rainforests, where they mostly grow as Epiphytes. Orchids have flowers of complex structure, with bilateral symmetry and elaborate pollination mechanisms. Their seeds are the smallest of any flowering plant seeds, sometimes a million or more present in the one capsule, and contain no stored plant food. The growth of orchids depends on a symbiotic fungus in their fleshy roots.

The pizza herb. Indispensible in Italian, Spanish and Mexican cookery. Hot, spicy flavour complements almost all tomato dishes. Desirable in beef or lamb stew, gravies, soups, salads or casseroles.

Organic gardening
Looking for a cleaner, greener, more healthy and sustainable lifestyle? Organic gardening may be for you!

Organic Matter
Material derived from things that were once alive, such as manure and compost, and which breaks down to form humus. The addition of organic matter improves the structure and fertility of any soil.

A plant grown purely for its aesthetic attractions, rather than for food or any other economic use.