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Home & Home Improvement

Budget Bedroom Make-over

Everyone spends more time indoors in winter – and one of the cosiest places is in bed. If you’re over looking at the same 4 walls, here are some tips for a change of scene!

Radical Recycling – and how you can help

Bulging bins, bursting bags, and overflowing wheelie bins! Waste is a serious problem, but although we all want to do our best to reduce what we contribute to landfill, New Zealand has been sadly lacking in opportunities for recycling.

Over the Fence

Neighbours! Often modern life is so busy you hardly ever see them. Occasionally they become good friends. Sometimes they turn out to be monsters that can ruin your enjoyment of life and plunge you in to your own suburban soap opera of arguments and rec

Cleaning Precious Objects

Sometimes cleaning a precious object can bring enormous pleasure. When I say precious I don't necessarily mean valuable in monetary terms, to me precious is more an emotional term!

Creating a ‘Me Space’

Being calmer, happier and more content is something we all aspire to, yet there seem to be so many obstacles in our way. In this, the first of our ‘instant self-improvement life-hacks’, we talk you through a simple plan to help you achieve life-affirming goals with almost no effort at all.