The basic recipe is simplicity itself and can be made cheaply at any time of the year…
Food, Wine & Beverages
Cauliflower tater tots
Cauliflower replaces potatoes for a perfect paleo appetiser, snack, or side! Ingredients: ½ head large cauliflower, ...
Chocolate protein smoothie
Thick delicous and fillling, the perfect breakfast on hot mornings. Ingredients: 1 frozen ripe banana 3 ...
Antipasto skewers
Finger food couldn’t be simpler than this. Ingredients: 24 tomatoes 12 small piece of mozzarella 12salami ...
Why black pans help us stay green!
We’ve all heard of E-waste – the electronic waste that sees tonnes of outdated and broken-down ...
Morning detox drink
Increase your energy and give your body a bit of a detox by drinking this in ...
Super seedy muesli bars
If you find yourself reaching for unhealthy snacks, why not try making some of these muesli ...
Breakfast bowl
What was for breakfast today at your place? How about a breakfast bowl? This looks like ...
Not into dairy? Here’s our favourite, oh so creamy milk alternatives
According to researchers around 65% of the human population loses their ability to digest lactose after ...
Blue and green anti-oxidant rich smoothie
This beautifully photogenic smoothie is actually a mix of two different smoothies. Although it takes a ...