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Extra Kids

Here's something odd from my own experience. We discovered having just one child was an immense amount of work.

The Rise of the Staycation

Ah summer. The perfect time to pack the car, cancel the paper, ask the neighbours to collect the mail, book a bach, check the dog into a kennel, drive in lines of traffic for hours, cook for large groups in small unfamiliar kitchens and then race home in

Wet Summer Days

I don't know what it's looking like where you live but I've just scanned through the weather forecast and it predicts lousy weather right up until Christmas.

Attention Grinches!

We are deeply into December and you can either fight the masses and grump about the traffic, expense and hassle associated with Christmas or thaw your hearts a bit and embrace some of the fun and joy!

A Safe And Festive Christmas

The new breath alcohol limits are in force and already publicans are noticing a drop in sales, as punters are uncertain about how many drinks they are allowed and still be able to safely and legally drive.