The Rise of the Staycation

11163 staycation
11163 staycation

staycationAh summer. The perfect time to pack the car, cancel the paper, ask the neighbours to collect the mail, book a bach, check the dog into a kennel, drive in lines of traffic for hours, cook for large groups in small unfamiliar kitchens and then race home in time to start work again. Yes it’s holiday time!

At the end of a long and demanding year, getting away on holiday can almost be the final straw. Maybe you should consider a ‘staycation’ instead? Have a holiday in your own back yard, or city. Take the time to appreciate all the things you’ve worked so hard to acquire and ‘get ready for Christmas’.

Curl up and read a book, sleep late, wander to local cafes and make the most of pools, beaches and parks nearby. Take day trips and be a tourist in your own town – most of us have a list of things that we ‘must’ get around to seeing. 

Not only is a staycation relaxing, it is a far cheaper option than going away on holiday. Or, consider a small staycation of a few days, just to decompress from the end of year festivities before you set off on holiday. You will arrive on holiday already relaxed, and may have missed the worst of the traffic and get the best of the more settled weather.

If you have a tent, there’s no reason why you can’t pitch it on your back lawn and sleep outside. Pack your tent full of books an board games and have a few days away from the television and electronic stimulation.

Go ‘fishing’ at the local sea market and choose something delicious for dinner without the burley and diesel fumes. Pour the glass of wine to go with a bbq lunch. Nap frequently. Take a walk and enjoy the calm of your hometown once everyone else has left.

Savour the serenity.