Attention Grinches!

11129 grinch
11129 grinch

grinchWe are deeply into December and you can either fight the masses and grump about the traffic, expense and hassle associated with Christmas or thaw your hearts a bit and embrace some of the fun and joy!

Fair enough, if rampant consumerism isn’t your thing. Keep away from the piped music and high pressure malls by all means, but community groups and councils organise numerous family and Grinch-friendly events in the lead up to Christmas.

Free concerts

Many suburbs hold Carols by Candlelight events, which are low cost, easy to get to and a terrific opportunity to catch up with friends and neighbours. Children rarely tire of the chance to sing along and the pure joy they give off is infectious.

Christmas sparkle

Take a walk around your local neighbourhood – more and more streets are embracing the tradition of lighting up their homes and gardens. On a balmy evening, you can get a small dose of yuletide cheer along with some exercise and check out the lights


There are always plenty of people in need, particularly at Christmas. At the supermarket you can donate items for the needy, you can volunteer at public shelters, visit the elderly or infirm in homes and hospitals or simply offer to take a neighbour shopping.

As the saying goes, sometimes it really is better to give than receive. Adjust your mindset and find or create your own moments of joy this Christmas!