Introduction to Bowling
Sport & Recreation
The Ultramarathon – Taking Running to a Whole New Level
After having a couple of small cancers removed from her shoulders a couple of years ago, Sue Hardy couldn't play tennis so decided to revert to her original love: running.
Learning to Surf in Godzone
If you have always harboured a secret desire to learn to surf or just need a tune-up to help reclaim the joy and thrill in it, now is the time to do it before this amazing summer weather disappears on us and the surf season runs out in June.
Learn to Sail
With the 10th largest coastline in the world, between us, we own 560,000 boats including kayaks. If you're interested in learning to sail, this article is for you!
A Great Leap of Faith – Skydiving
So jumping out of a plane has always featured on your bucketlist - what do you do? There are so many options now with all kinds of ways you can skydive or parachute.
GrownUps on Bikes
Lots of GrownUps are getting on their bikes and enjoying it. But how many of us have taken the time to learn how to ride safely and how to look after our bikes?
The Perfect Golf Swing
The game of golf has a Holy Grail, a mythical thing that everyone is searching for ...
Water Skiing Goes Glub-Glub
Whatever happened to water skiing? I've lived by the sea a good long time now and in years past water skiers...
Pilates – At Any Stage Of Living
There has been an increasing awareness of Pilates and a huge growth in the number of studios throughout New Zealand.
Let’s Dance!
You don't have to be young, thin, beautiful or even talented to trip the light fantastic in Auckland's dance halls. PETA STAVELLI puts on her dancing shoes.