There’s nothing worse than being away from home and unwell or trying to see a GP when your regular practice is closed. Introducing CareHQ - an online consultation service that brings GP care to you, no matter where you are!
Articles covering all sorts of humour, entertainment, book reviews, sport and hobbies, fashion, beauty and technology needs.
COMP CLOSED | Book Giveaway | Sword Catcher
We are very pleased to be giving away three copies of Cassandra Clare's book 'Sword Catcher', to our GrownUps members.
COMP CLOSED | Book Giveaway | Kindred
We are very pleased to be giving away three copies of Eva and Maria Konecsny's recipe book 'Kindred', to our GrownUps members.
COMP CLOSED | Book Giveaway | Don Binney Flight Path
We are very pleased to be giving away three copies of Greg O’Brien's book 'Don Binney Flight Path', to our GrownUps members.
COMP CLOSED | Book Giveaway | Remember Me
We are very pleased to be giving away three copies of the poetry book 'Remember Me', to our GrownUps members.
Joke of the Day
Patient: Doctor help me please, every time I drink a cup of coffee I get this intense stinging in my eye
Grandies – Where to Start with Gift Giving
Discover our suggestions for thoughtful but fun gifts which don’t need to break the world, or the bank.
Joke of the Day
We have a strange custom in our office. The food has names.
Joke of the Day
Need cheering up?
Joke of the Day
Customer in a Boutique; "Could I try the dress in the shop window, please?"