After an elderly couple starts getting forgetful, they visit their doctor. Their doctor tells them that ...
Spider Personals
From Gary Larsen, author of The Far Side, a funny cartoon on the love challenges of ...
Police Around The World
How do you tell the difference between an Australian Police Officer, a New Zealand Police Officer, ...
Fancy Dress
A bald man with a wooden leg, who is somewhat sensitive about both, is invited to ...
Life Aboard
DEAR DIARY – DAY 1 All packed for the cruise ship — all my nicest dresses, ...
Parental Wisdom
My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE. “If you’re going to kill each ...
A woman goes to the Doctor, worried about her husband 's temper.
Flag Thoughts
Ha ha – what fabulous logic!
The Cowboy
A successful rancher died and left everything to his devoted wife. She was a very good-looking woman and determined to keep the ranch, but knew very little about ranching, so she decided to place an ad in the newspaper for a ranch hand.
How To Call In Sick
Leave it to the Aussies to perfect the art of pulling a sickie, in New Zealand ...