Fun Fact #1 Cats have free floating clavicle bones, unlike humans whose clavicles are set in ...
Fun Facts – 11 September 2013
Fun Fact #1 The Marsupial Lion was the largest meat-eating animal to have ever lived in ...
A New Challenge: Stella 459
Now, I had previously told myself after three long hard years making a feature film I would take a back seat on any future films, in fact I actually promised my husband I would. But here I go again!
Roadshow September 2013 Releases
'The Big Wedding', 'The Iceman', 'Thorne: Sleepyhead & Scaredy Cat' and 'The Call'.
Madman September DVD Releases
A Robert Redford-directed suspense thriller, a wild-western TV series, a series of engaging documentaries from one of the stars of inquisitive television, all rounded out with a couple of fantastic detective / who-dun-it shows!
Fun Facts – 4 September 2013
Fun Fact #1 The Southern Pole of Inaccessibility is the point on the Antarctic continent most ...
Fun Facts – 28 August 2013
Fun Fact #1 Oak trees do not produce acorns until they are 40 to 50 years ...
The Patience Stone
A wife nurses her much older husband, a mujahedeen fighter. He lies paralysed and unconscious from a gunshot wound in the head. Abandoned by her mother-in-law and brothers, she refuses to leave and continues to be a dutiful wife.
Fun Facts – 21 August 2013
Fun Fact #1 Yawning is not caused by boredom or tiredness. Scientists do not know for ...
Fun Facts – 14 August 2013
Fun Fact #1 Einstein became sick of being recognised in the streets and harrassed by fans ...