Feeling lonely is not a state anyone wants to find themselves in for very long, and for good reason. Research shows loneliness can detrimentally affect our immune systems, heighten our blood pressure, and increase our cholesterol.
Editor’s Top Picks
Exclusive member-only content covering topics across, travel & holidays, health & wellness, financial fitness, real life member stories and much more
Unstoppable – How to Play Sport for Longer!
It's so important for boomers to be as fit and healthy as possible as they enter their senior years – and one way to make this happen is to enjoy a sport.
5 Great Indoor Winter Gardening Activities
Who said gardening had to stop with winter – make this your best indoor gardening year ever!
Your Maddening Memory Loss – and how to improve it
A decline in the sharpness of memory, as we grow older, can be disconcerting. Yet, if we take time to check out our concerns with friends of a similar age, we’re soon reassured we’re not the only one.
5 Ways to Use Newspaper in the Garden
Newspaper has always been popular with gardeners – the sky’s the limit as to what you can use newspapers for in your garden.
Unstoppable: Remain Relevant in Retirement
When retirement offers all the potential in the world, why is it many approaching this milestone are so afraid of it? As it happens, it’s the fear of becoming irrelevant because of it.
6 Steps to Creating the Perfect Mother’s Day Photo
A Mother’s Day family get together is the perfect opportunity to create a lasting memory with a special photo.
Ruapehu’s Best Bike Rides
Whether you are a first-timer or a downhill demon, Ruapehu has bike rides to suit you. The region boasts an ever-growing network of mostly off-road trails taking in national parks and other spectacular landscapes, along with fascinating history and friendly small towns.
Unstoppable: Keep Your Keys! Safe Driving Tips for Seniors
Retirement can deliver up some of the best years of your life – especially if you don’t lose confidence in your driving abilities. To help keep your wheels on the road, check out these top tips!
Life Hack – Procrastination, and how to deal to it
Ever wondered how much time you waste each day through procrastination? If you were to actually record it, the results would almost certainly shock you. Procrastination is such a time waster that some studies record it in weeks per year, not days! What’s worse, procrastination is on the increase!