We can all maintain and develop a brighter brain; recent research has uncovered many ways in which we can improve by practicing simple activities daily.
Health & Wellness
Articles about our health and wellbeing, mind, emotions, keeping fit, your hearing, eyesight and dental needs, natural remedies and keeping vital.
Treating gout
Know the essentials for treating gout.
Coffee – protection from alzheimer’s?
Forget the guilt of indulging in another coffee! Researchers have discovered your daily coffee could protect you from Alzheimer's Disease.
Common shoulder injuries & what to look out for
You’ve had this sneaking pain becoming more and more prominent in your shoulder over the past ...
Exercising & conditioning for women over 50
Exercises for women over 50 are very important if you include strength training. Learn about exercising ...
Synchronising sex
Time to bring passion back into your marriage
Clinical trial participants
Life – you still can’t beat experience However as we get older our immune system changes ...
Macular degeneration – are you at risk?
How to test for Macular degeneration
Benefits of meditation and yoga for addiction recovery
Addictions are harmful and highly destructive, and treatment options involving the use of medications and behavioural ...
Raising kind kids
Here’s a question to ponder: is it more important for your children to be kind or ...