Alison Roxburgh's life focuses on volunteer work.
Health & Wellness
Articles about our health and wellbeing, mind, emotions, keeping fit, your hearing, eyesight and dental needs, natural remedies and keeping vital.
Be Alive, Keep Learning and Be Alive
Kindra Douglas is a bit of a vagabond. She grew up in a small New Zealand town at the bottom end of the Manukau Harbor area. She spent time on the beach, rode ponies and...
Challenges of Ageing
Jay Shapiro has had to cope with many challenges over time, but he has retained a deep enthusiasm for life.
Baby Boomer’s Thoughts on Ageing
David Philips left England, travelled widely and lived in other countries before settling in the Nelson area 12 years ago.
Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness in the world today, and are the leading cause ...
How’s Your Sleep? (Part 1)
How are you sleeping? Many patients I see in my clinic have a sleeping issue; in fact I would say it would be a third to a half of all people.
Way #6 to Kill Conflict – Take Turns
TAKE TURNS at talking. Give the other person room to convey their ideas, and you will get the same chance too.
Time to Explore New Outlets
How we live these added years has as much to do with the conscious intent to make them meaningful and positive as it does with our health and financial situations?
The Challenges of Our Middle Years
Judy Biggs, who has lived and worked in Nelson for the past 14 years, is in her forties, which makes her part of the "in between generation."
Positive Ageing Policies and Physical Activities
Read more from Agewell. By Mike Milstein Dr. Beven Grant is Professor of Sport and Leisure ...